Saturday 22 December 2012


I'm in favour.  I'm reading an Alexander McCall Smith book at the moment, and enjoy the precision with which he sets out his prose.  And as a Scottish-educated lawyer, he knows his Latin as well.  His heroine has just received an envelope of cvs forming the short leet (Scots for list, and the normal expression in that context).  He refers to them as curricula vitarum, which is absolutely correct.  But is it a case of flaunting his erudition?  If so, I'm not guilt-free either. 

We firmly believe the Atlantic Ocean to be empty.  As I drove to where I practise my unmentionable hobby yesterday, I'd to slow to a crawl a few times to ford standing water that was approaching axle-deep.  The river at Penshurst has flooded acres of farmland.  Our weed patch is completely sodden, not helped by the pond overflowing.  Still, there were a few rosebuds to pick the other day, so we should have some home-grown flowers at Christmas.

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