Monday 31 December 2012

Another one bites the dust

For the annual ramblings, please scroll down 
to the post for 2 December
Not planning a 31 December stock-take: I did that at the beginning of the month, so as not to have to print newsletters!  Talking of stock-taking, I remember that, when I was young, Dad was rarely home on Hogmanay much before midnight.  The convention back then in those parts was to have all your bills paid and filed away before the end of the year, and the bank similarly did an annual balance on the last day of December.  The Royal Bank of Scotland was a pretty solid and reputable institution in those days.  Hmmm.  One of the more irritating events this year was the fraudulent use of my Royal Bank debit and credit cards.  I have to say that the bank was absolutely on the ball, ringing me as soon as it had suspicions.  Banks now employ armies of fraud prevention staff, and it is quite difficult to make substantial purchases without being subjected to the third degree until you can satisfy the bank that you're who you say you are.  We somewhat ostentatiously paid the balance by cheque when we bought the house, and the garage insisted that I pay for the car with my debit card.  Both involved interrogation, and the latter involved a day's delay because, ironically, I couldn't remember my 'memorable word' when asked to supply a couple of letters of it over the phone.  On balance, I'm glad they do it, though it's sad a reflection on the times that they have to.
Having entertained family at Christmas and again yesterday, the next day or two are our time with friends.  We'll see the New Year in with friends in the north of the county, and Annie is arriving today to spend a couple of nights with us.  It is mild and very blustery, but the forecast is for dry and less breezy conditions later.  Good.  I'm glad of a change from the bitterly cold first footing weather of recent years! 

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