Saturday 15 December 2012

Good old IKEA

Well, it looks a bit brighter.  When we bought the sofas, we went for plain blue denim covers, which looked fine for three months.  Since then they have rubbed and faded badly, as denim does, so we were starting to find them a bit embarrassing: the sitootery's where we do most of our entertaining.  The problem with stripes is matching them of course, and sure enough, one of the cushions doesn't come close to aligning.  Still, it's better than last time, when dear, sloppy old IKEA sent two sets of loose covers of totally different designs.  I'm really not sure why I can forgive them so much - I suppose the firm's a bit like an old retainer.  I've been buying stuff from them for over 20 years in several countries, and by and large it's smart and hard-wearing.

Of today's news, there's little I can add to the worldwide outrage.  The baddies are always going to be able to find firearms, but perhaps some tighter controls would restrict the nutters' access to them.  Some can justify owning shotguns (though I struggle with the idea of shooting birds and beasts as 'sport'), and some get pleasure out of target shooting, which requires skill and concentration.  In our system, all firearms must be licensed, and licences have to be renewed at intervals following checks on the applicants and their security arrangements.  Handguns are banned (who needs a Glock other than as a means of killing people?).  Shotguns and rifles can be licensed, but applicants must show good reasons for owning them, and must be members of clubs.    Licence applicants must provide two referees (though the last time I gave a reference, it was not followed up).  Unfortunate analogy, I know, but it's time the Untied States of America bit the bullet.  The relevant part of the Constitution was enacted as a means of defending the country through a part-time militia, and is an anachronism.

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