Monday 30 September 2024

Not a bad result

We last did a Macmillan coffee morning five years ago, when I’d no inkling that I’d become a consumer rather than just a supporter of their services.  That time we raised about £450 if memory serves me well, so now that I’ve encountered their services in person, it seemed right to double the target.  So we catered pretty lavishly and cast the net wide, and had something like 30 guests here on Saturday.  They seemed to have enjoyed the party, although as before the savoury stuff went better than the sweet.  We have distributed some of the leftovers to neighbours who couldn’t come, but there are still a few scones and buns, which is not good news when one is some way from one’s goal weight.

As usual, the smoked salmon palmiers were well received, and the sausage rolls disappeared like snow off a dyke.  We had some quiche and tarte aux poireaux left over, so that sorted lunch next day.  But I seem to have lost my touch with short crust pastry: I had to resort to buying a couple of rolls from Fortnums.  There are so many recipes for such dishes, each contradicting the last, so I took an executive decision: six eggs, a pot of double cream, a good splash of milk, salt, pepper and nutmeg.  We were pleased with the leek tart, which was broadly based on a Rick Stein recipe, so shall have another go at that.  I’ll leave the pastry to Martyn…

One of the guests was Martyn’s second cousin Susan, who lives in Washington State, and is currently visiting the land of her grandparents, staying for a few days with Martyn’s sister, Sandra.  Here are the four of us, enjoying each other’s company after the hordes had obediently left by the stated 13:00 deadline.  We took Susan for a little stroll along the Pantiles and Chapel Place before returning to Forges-l’Evêque for fish and chips - Sandra’s treat.  It was good to meet Susan: she is a friendly no-nonsense person with whom we share many values.

Well, the bottom line is that, at the time of writing we have raised four-thirds of our target.  Most was donated on line, but we have today banked a stunning amount raised on the day: the collecting box alone yielded more than we raised in total last time, and it is now winging its electronic way to Macmillan Cancer Support.  (The fact that we returned from our trip to the town with a new iPhone is pure coincidence: honest, Officer.)

Oh, and if you’d like to add to our takings, you can do so at .

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