Wednesday 25 September 2024

Busy, busy

The house was a hive of activity yesterday as the decorators started work on the kitchen and cloakroom.  They seem to be doing a very thorough job, and ought to finish today.  The last time the kitchen was painted we did it ourselves, but in recent years we’ve done less decorating.  We did partly re-paper the hall after the garage conversion, but have been contracting out the more complex stuff.

I’ve told the decorators they’ll have to be out tonight, since the kitchen is going to be busy: we are hosting a Macmillan coffee morning on Saturday, so have a lot of baking in prospect.  The sausage rolls and palmiers are in the freezer, ready to be thawed, sliced and baked, and we’re planning to make some quiches and sweet stuff.  Should be fun: so far over 20 say they’re coming, and I expect there’ll be a few more.  Donations so far are startlingly generous: they’re already a whisker over what we raised five years ago when we last hosted one.  Just as well: we’ve set an ambitious target.

Sad news from Canada yesterday: my second cousin Peter decided to have an end put to his suffering last weekend - not a decision available to us this country, and I’ll keep my own counsel on the issue.  A stroke had left him badly paralysed, half blind and wheelchair bound, so one can understand his decision.  I hadn’t met him, but have met his sister, his widow and two of his brothers either in Canada or when they have been in London, and always enjoyed their company.

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