Thursday 14 March 2024

The joys of home ownership

The EV charger was installed on Monday - sort of.  The kit came with a missing part, so we have a further visit next week.  We have still not been able to register it, since the necessary app demands the plate number of the car, which we haven’t got yet.  Much frustration, hypertension and bad language on my part as I poked clumsily - and fruitlessly - at my mobile phone.  And it didn’t help that, while routing the cable through the garage loft, the boy put his foot through the ceiling.

Still, it’s an ill wind and all that, save that this one identified a roof leak, so we’re waiting to hear from roof fettlers.  Talking of wind, the fence between us and Annie next door has been flapping round in the breeze of late, thanks to rotten posts in the metal shoes they sit in, fastened to a short brick wall.  Repairs tomorrow, we hope, and une facture plutôt salée to follow.

Having had to do a mighty clear-out in the garage, we’ve shipped a lot of junk to the tip, and demolished the rickety shelving we inherited from the previous administration.  A new set of (we hope) robust shelves is on order, and we’re hoping to install some better means of hanging the various bits and pieces that currently threaten to fall on the car when it’s in the garage.

Today has been mild and sunny - for a welcome change - so we have gardened.  We had a delivery of fuchsias and lobelias this week, so have been populating hanging baskets and potting up the plants left over.  Since the fence repairs are at the back of the nursery bed, we’ve been digging up and planting out rosemary cuttings to replace the devastated box hedge round the front garden.  Some of the little plants are flowering, so we’re hoping to have a pretty hedge ere long.

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