Friday 8 March 2024

Curiosity satisfied - partly

Good old Fortnums do theme weeks for much of the year, and a couple of weeks ago it was the Alpenfest again.  We’re always pleased when it comes round, since it gives us the chance to get some Rösti into stock for days when we feel really decadent.  This time they also did frozen Bretzels, which are very good if you like that sort of thing.  Martyn does not, having tried one in Riquewihr just when he was starting a pretty vicious gut bug.  One the way south we’d had supper at the home of my former secretary, whose baby son had just come home from hospital with said bug.  He is for evermore known to us as Typhoid Mario.  But I digress.

Well, I’m enjoying the Bretzels, at least.  Another of Fortnums’ offerings was Currywurst, which I fancied trying, having failed to persuade Martyn to try the same when we were in Berlin.  It is the street food par excellence, they say, and the curry powder given by GIs to starving Germans in the forties brought them some welcome spice for a starvation diet.  I bought a packet from Fortnums, and used Martyn's absence at lunchtime today to try it out.  Hyper-processed Frankfurter style bangers, sliced and packed in a tomato sauce, and supplied with a sachet of curry powder to sprinkle over, all in a plastic container that went in the microwave.  Tasty in a guilt-inducing kind of way, but not sufficiently so to encourage me to try it again: or not that brand, at least.  I’ll give it another try if I get to Berlin again, but I suspect that may conclude the experiment.

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