Saturday 8 June 2024

Quiet hereabouts

Not so long ago, we heard the sounds of sirens and the flashing blue lights of a fire engine hurtling past the front of the house, followed closely by an incident commander’s car of similar subtlety.  Today it was the air ambulance (a charity we support in lieu of the taxes we should be paying to support such essential public services).  It landed on a patch of grass just round the corner from us, and stayed there for a good hour, presumably while paramedics worked on someone.  In due course, it took off and headed for the William Harvey in Ashford, so I guess it was some kind of cardiac emergency.

Meanwhile we have pottered in the garden, hauling out lots of weeds, cutting the grass: fun stuff like that.  I’ve been hardening off the first two tomato plants, each of which is sporting two trusses of flowers.  They are also putting up lots of side shoots, which I’m nicking off and sticking in water.  A few are rooting already, so I’ll soon have to decide when to stop propagating.  I suppose I could do more and sell a few.

I hope someone’s running the country: the Rt Hon the First Lord of the Treasury seems to be hopping from gaffe to solecism, bringing the country firmly into position as the laughing stock of Europe.  I think I may stay up on election night, and put a couple of bottles of Prosecco in the fridge.

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