Wednesday 3 April 2013

Change of plan

We should have been settled in at the house in France at this point, but we had a late change of plan.  Martyn has not been feeling great for some time now, and since he seemed rather worse once we were on French soil, I reassessed the situation, filled up with diesel (and a couple of half-cases of wine) and turned back.  We were on French soil for all of an hour, and were back home by lunch time appreciating the snow, hail and sleet from the warm side of double glazing.  He has seen the doctor, and we'll think again about travelling once a new prescription has had time to work.  Meanwhile, the ducks appear pleased that their servants are still serving meals at appropriate times.

We had been looking forward to some double-figure temperatures, but gather that the weather in the Languedoc has not been terrific.  Indeed, the Orbieu was on yellow alert again the other day.  So perhaps we're better off staying at home and indoors.  We had a glorious day here yesterday, so I did a bit of indoor and outdoor gardening, filling pots and trays with compost and warming it up in the sitootery for a couple of hours.  I've sowed some seed, both commercial and saved, and taken cuttings from some of last year's fuchsias - they were very keen to come out of dormancy under glass, and the shoots were just the right length for cutting.  Two weeks later might have been a bit too late, so it's an ill wind indeed.  With the sun on the glass, the sitootery came up to a thoroughly decent 23° yesterday.  Today, alas, we're back to arctic temperatures, thick cloud and snow flurries, so I'm not hurrying to plant out the potatoes, the shoots on which are in any case not quite developed enough.  So what else in the garden?  Primroses are starting to flower, including some that I transplanted last year.  Our daffodils are flowering, but as last year, a lot have come up blind.  I suppose a spot of feeding wouldn't hurt...  Of the primroses bought last back end as pluglets that could be in flower by Christmas, nothing but foliage.  Snarl. 

Our current art class project is 'On the Rocks', so my crippled imagination wasn't too taxed this time.  I've been slapping the paints around a bit again, predictably inspired by the Cathar castles of the Aude, this time working from a detail of a photo of Peyrepertuse that I took some years ago.  Since I have a couple of unexpected extra art classes this month, I may have another go or two at the theme. 

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