Tuesday 5 March 2013

Spring, dare we say?

The snowdrops and crocuses are blooming fit to bust, and the last two mild, sunny days have brought a few polyanthus into flower.  The iris sibirica plants on the staging are starting into growth, so should be on their way to new quarters soon.  I've hauled out several miles of couch grass, and given the penstemons their annual haircut.  Not as fiercely as last year, when we came close to losing a couple of them.  They are getting a bit leggy now, so I'll see if I can bring on some of the cuttings to replace them later in the year. 

The sunshine and mild weather have also kicked me into activity, however mundane: laundry (dried on the line) and housework for the most part, but also a lengthy session with a candidate to replace my long relationship with RBS.  I think we're almost there now, and I'm happy to find that there isn't really a lot I need to do, except to set up a couple of standing orders and notify a few occasional payers-in - the bank will see to the direct debits, and provide forms to send to the pension crowd et al. 

Looks like our train ride a fortnight today will be behind a slightly more recent engine: the BR Standard class Britannia.  Shame: I was looking forward to the old Southern Railway Pacific.  Dare say it'll get us to Worcester just as efficiently.

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