Friday, 24 January 2025

More of the same

 After yet another stormy night, I came down to find the fence between us and Annie leaning over at 45°.  The fencing contractor has a contract to fix it, but have scheduled it for a month hence.  They sent someone round last week to do a temporary lash-up.  Temporary’s the word: last night’s little zephyr pretty much finished off the steel sockets - the fence has to be fixed for part of its run on top of a low brick wall.  A phone call to the friendly installation manager led to a visit from two fitters, including the chap who did last week’s job.  I got them to take the offending panels out altogether and dispose of them, together with the remnants of the fence on the other side of the garden.  So we’re even more open than usual, but safe and disencumbered, if that’s a word.

The wind dropped during the course of the day, so I was able to get out and do violence to some rather overgrown potentillas, the apple tree and the clematis montana, and whatever else got in the way of my destructive frenzy.  The garden is dreich but promising: lots of bulbs are pushing through the surface, and most of the shrubs are looking encouraging: the Fuji cherry and the magnolia stellata in particular.  Fresh air and garden work are good for the Weltanschauung at this dismal time of year.

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