Wednesday 10 April 2024


After much frustration trying and failing to get the car to charge, and three visits from the installers (one of whom put his foot through the garage ceiling), we’re assured that the car will now charge (‘a wire had come off’), and is programmed to be fully charged by 07:00 tomorrow.  You can’t just plug it in and throw a switch: you have to download an ‘app’, register on the same, say who provides your electricity and on which of their list of dozens of tariffs (it didn’t include ours), state inside leg measurement and colour of grandma’s eyes, and goodness knows what else.  Just at the point at which I was running out of blood pressure pills: I’m afraid the installers got somewhat short shrift (though I did offer them tea /coffee which they declined, perhaps fearing I’d lace them with laxatives).  Well, we’ll see in the morning whether the car is fully charged.  Next job is to get the cruise control working.  We use it a lot, largely to keep us down to the speed limits, so would miss it if it didn’t work.

The garden has had a lot of attention today.  We got Ben to weed the bed under the apple tree last time he was here, and I planted it up today with lots of aquilegia seedlings.  Ben was here again today, and lifted a lot of thrift plants from the side of the pond.  They were full of grass and at least one ants’ nest, and are on their way to municipal compost.  He has also moved an acer from where it was too close to the Judas tree.   The garden bin is pretty full now, given also that I cut and edged the grass yesterday.  

The aquilegia seedlings have come long nicely in the nursery bed, so I lifted them with plenty of root ball before planting them out.  Let’s hope they have some of the spectacular flowers of their parents.  I have a lot of trailing fuchsias and lobelias in the greenhouse, ready to replace the cyclamens in the basket at the front door.  Some will populate the pots on the garden steps, replacing primulas and tulips.

Today I’ve had a notification that my new desk is due for delivery on Sunday.  Said notification required me to confirm, which required me to enter both phone numbers twice (even though they’ve got them already), email address (which they’d got by bloody emailing to ask for it), stopping short only of paternal grandmother’s maiden name and date of birth.  Why is everything so complicated these days?  Perhaps, I suppose, because I take longer to learn as I enter my dotage.  

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